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Perhaps I'm in a season where my head knows God is all I need but my heart is not connecting.  I feel dry and discouraged.  A difficult season but I still know God is king.

All that to say, I didn't feel like going to church on Sunday, but I went. We were grandparenting our grandson and I took him to Sunday school and stayed because he's not quite the required 3 year age.

Another mom was there helping out and she approached me about a concern she had with her kids. It immediately brought me back to the times when my kids were that age and I had similar concerns. It reminded me of how blessed I felt when women senior to me were a listening ear and I then knew why I was there.

Blessings come when we bless others.



Cindy over 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing this story and continuing to bless others by doing so. It is a great reminder that God can and will use us at any time, even when the possibility may seem far from our own minds, even when we are feeling disconnected from God and maybe even like we don't have anything to offer Him or anyone else. Even when we are questioning His faithfulness. I've certainly been in that place many times, including right now. So your story really resonates with me. It is amazing how God can touch our hearts and gently remind us of His goodness when we simply show up for Him and others. Blessings all around.

James Schwab over 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing! What a blessing it is to be an encouragement to others!!

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