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I want to share a letter that I wrote to a group of young people that were involved in Kyle’s mission in
Saskatchewan, who came to ALC to do a guest ministry in 2015. It is basically a testament to the power
of worship, as the passion, energy, quality, and message of the songs their worship group were
performing moved me to seek out Jesus and be saved that day:

Dear Jessamy, Kyle, Sarah, Carina, Tim, Michael, and Seth:

I want to take some time to tell you how much your ministry meant to me this past weekend. I think you could see that I was very moved on Sunday, and I would not have had that experience had it not been for you. I have only recently started performing with our church’s ministry team and there are two songs I have learned to really enjoy, one of which is Lord I Need You. I have also been struggling with some personal issues and my spirituality lately.

So it seemed like quite a collision of fortunes that the ministry team that my own son was performing in began to play that particular song with those powerful lyrics, while my friend, Pastor James, stood at the altar at the front of the church waiting to administer prayers, while I was also so amazingly and wonderfully encouraged to come up for those personal prayers by Jessamy (the lead singer)! Unfortunately having never done that before, I was too shy and afraid to make the move. I had almost gotten up enough courage when someone else beat me to it. I told myself that I would be able to go up after the first person, but was once again too slow, and another person beat me again. I cannot remember at this point if there was a third, but I had tears running down my face and was very much trying to build the courage to do it when the song finished and I felt like the answer to whether I should go up or not had been made for me, and I was too late!

I can only believe now that it was divine intervention that led you, Jessamy, to not only call a second song to continue the prayers, which happened to be the other of the one of my two favourites, How Great Is Our God, but also to provide encouragement and to declare with such great vigor that anyone else that was scared or shy need not be afraid. I knew that God, through you, was speaking directly to me. And you and the team were a miracle. Had it not been for your words of encouragement and choice of songs, I would not have found the strength to go up and receive what is one of the greatest gifts of my life, which was to basically fall into my Pastor’s arms for hugs and prayers and then a mere second later, be joined by, and be prayed over, by my own son! Kyle had run to the altar so astonishingly quickly! Thinking about this moment always brings tears to my eyes.

Your maturity as a worship band is astonishing, and I felt so comfortable knowing that you would play that song over and over as many times as I needed, so that I could remain at the front of the church and you would not leave me hanging! You and your team have provided me with a great gift which I will cherish always.

The week prior to your arrival Cindy and I were hoping and praying that there would be a good turnout for you and we came to the conclusion that there didn’t need to be a large number of people attending to make it a success, as long as you got a positive experience out of ministering to whomever showed up. I am somewhat surprised, humbled, and honoured to find out that I was one of the people who was set to receive such quality ministry from you. Your ministry has changed my life! So I call that a success. Please know all of you will always be in my heart.

I love you all,


P.S. The photo was taken by Melayni and captures the moment I speak of in the letter.


Cindy Cindy almost 5 years ago

When I first read this letter five years ago it brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. It still has the same effect today. And maybe even more so. That Sunday was a miracle and a new beginning that was an honour and privilege to witness as God called you to him in your brokenness and you responded with your whole being. And you still do. It wasn't a one time emotional reaction. It was a transformation that has continued every day since. It was real then, and it is real now. I am so very proud of you!

God blessed so many of us that day. Touching a multitude of hearts, answering many prayers, involving so many people to change a life, or two, or three or four ..... Thank you for sharing this experience of the overwhelming, unrelenting, extravagant love and goodness of God in gathering His children.

Melayni almost 5 years ago

Praise the Lord! Wow so amazing to read this and be reminded of that powerful service again! I remember sensing the Holy Spirit working in that room and witnessing how the team obeyed. Worship is powerful! I’m grateful you put aside your fear and followed your heart up to that altar for a life changing moment!

Kyle almost 5 years ago

That was a really special trip for me and my team and the best ending to the trip ever!!! God is really good.

Tim almost 5 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing D’Arcy! That is a weekend that I will never forget. The town, and especially your family were all so generous and welcoming to us. It was amazing to be able to be a part of something that was so impactful to your life, our lives, and hopefully the lives of the church family. This trip was such a blessing! God is good!

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