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I would like to share a few of my struggles where I know God was there right beside me helping me through. Some of what I have learned through them.

I was 11 yrs old when the first one happened. My Grandma had passed away. I had been very close to her. She was my spiritual mentor in life. I believed at a young age and remember praying to be able to walk just like Jesus. I loved being with my Grandma and reading the Bible and learning. When she passed I went through the first struggle that question Why God she followed you faithfully. I grew bitter at God. I didn't want to believe anymore. I struggled for a month with this then something happened one night when I went to bed and ya, still yelling at God in my prayers telling him why should I follow you promised eternal life to those who followed and my Grandma followed prayed every day and helped many, you took her away. I had did that every day and night but that night God sent her in a vision. She woke me up and there was a bright light all around her. She said my girl I am ok and happy, I am home now. She said to me remember what I taught you and continue to pray. She explained what Jesus meant when he had said eternal life. John: 10:27-28 “My Sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish.”

Well I woke up the next day in a brighter light. I still miss her but know she is okay. And one day I will see her again. From that day I learned the answer to the question Why God did that happen!! I do not ask it I follow and believe.

This struggle is one I never imagined having to go through. But as I said we are never alone. Jesus is right there beside us. If we open our hearts and eyes we see it but we must fully trust in him as he says in: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

My son Jason was struggling with health issue for a few years and those struggles ended 6 yrs ago. God had called him home age 27. I remember a year before he would try and tell me I might not make it. Of course I tried not to put that in my head. I continued to pray and tell him things will get better. Every once in awhile he would say something to me in that way. Deep down I knew God was trying to prepare me. I just continued with the hope. Then the beginning of that year Jason started really saying things like Mom make me some promises before I go, or I know you will do what I asked because I am like you and you are like me. My eyes and heart were wide open to God. I trusted Him and knew whatever was about to happen, He was there in this storm and I would get through it.

My heart still aches. That will never fully go away till the day my time has come to go home. Knowing it's not forever and I choose to continue to shine my light even in the storm. Trust in the Lord fully and he will be there to comfort you and bring you through. All our struggles are real but the main lesson is it's how we deal with those struggles even through tragedy.

I hope this helps some get through some of their struggles.

God Bless,



Cindy Cindy almost 5 years ago

Thank you soooo much for sharing these very real experiences of God's very real presence in your life. What a beautiful reminder of God's unrelenting, overwhelming care for us before, during and after our storms. It is evident that these experiences had a profound effect on your life and in your faith. Your grandma sounds like she was a very special and godly woman. I believe her light still shines through you. As does Jay's! What a Jesus loving legacy your family has! What a glorious reunion you will all have one day. What an inspiration and blessing you all are ❤❤

Kristen almost 5 years ago

Wow, Lynn, thank you for sharing some of your experiences and that God is with us even in tragedy or when we are angry with God for the suffering we go through. It makes sense that losing Jay is something that will leave your heart aching until you are called home as well. I hear you. I hear the pain and also the hope in this. Thank you for sharing.

Eric Makela almost 5 years ago

Beautiful storry Lynn. I have been mad at Christ many times and will share my story someday. I have believed since I was very young and since returning to the Church I am learning alot. I love my Church, Church Family, & Paster James and his Family.
Happy to see your Faith after All that has happened

Melayni almost 5 years ago

Thank you Lynn for sharing your heart. Wow what an amazing vision from God using your precious Grandmother! So thankful you experienced that to prepare you for the pain ahead. I had no idea Jason talked about dying. He must have had a sense. We are all so thankful for the imprint he had on so many lives that grew closer to Jesus!

Julie Veilleux almost 5 years ago

Oh Lynn, virtual hugs, my dear sweet lady! I can't imagine how I would react if one of my sons passed. I can only hope that I would keep the faith, and be a strong and shining light as you are. Jason was a gifted, precious young man, still greatly missed and loved by all who knew him. May your heart be encouraged today, knowing he is at rest with his Lord and Saviour and you shall see him again!

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