The sky was bright blue, the sun was shining, the trees sparkling with hoar frost, postcard picture perfect. My sister and I enjoyed a beautiful walk down an old track bed. The dogs (off leash) ran freely ahead of us. When they got side tracked, following their noses into the bush beside the track, our calls of “Sky! Ollie! Come, treats!” would bring them charging back to us.
Only our great Creator, God could have made such a beautiful day. We walked, we talked, we took for granted the beauty around us. We commented on how lovely the trees looked, but never, thought to give God the glory or to thank Him for His handiwork, which blessed us.
We walked a good 30 minutes down the track bed before we turned around to return to the car. 20 minutes later down the track, heading towards the car, something in the snow caught my eye. My car key was lying there, an inch from my boot toe…. I had not realized that when I put my hand in my pocket to pull out a baggie of dog treats, it had fallen out. I had not heard it fall. I was totally unaware.
I was amazed that no snowmobile or ATV had come down the track bed and rolled over it, burying it forever. Or the fact that I had changed sides on the track bed so I actually was walking down the same side I had walked up. I don’t know if my sister would have seen it. Maybe I would not have either, had I not looked down right then, at that second….
I instantly ‘thanked God”! I was very aware of His goodness, His presence, His provision, His love and my utter shame of taking this day and everything in it for granted. I was instantly reminded of the woman looking for her lost coin, and I didn’t have to even look for the key that I did not know was missing. I rejoiced!! He had kept it safe and directed my path so I would find it. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Lord, please forgive me!
How many times has He done this in my life? So many times, I have lost count. Again I am reminded to try harder to be more cognizant of His presence in my life and not take “the little things for granted”, from waking up in the morning and being able to get out of bed, to the food on my table, the roof over my head, the sun that shines, the air I breathe, the walks I can take…..
Take nothing for granted, but in everything praise the Lord (Julie-ism)
Psm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
I love hearing about these types of God moments! It is a beautiful affirmation of how God cares about all the little details of our lives and looks after us in small, but meaningful ways consistently and continually. He knows when our hearts just can't take any additional stress, just when we need to see His presence, hear His voice, feel His tender care. He will show up in so many creative ways. These testimonies of God's incredible goodness still fill me with awe and wonder every time! Thank you for sharing yours!!